Saturday 22 November 2008

This is my 2D walk. Its the third attempt i had at it this week as i had trouble with volume and putting too many frames in. In this walk i have probably not added enough frames but i feel the overall thing works ok. When i have to do it again i will stylize the walk more, maybe exaggerate the walk to an extent that the fundamentals are blatantly obvious. This would be a lot easier with a character who has longer legs!

What i want to try and do next is establish a line of action which suits the mood of the character and do a walk cycle around that. I have found using flash very helpful for making walk cycles and i have made several pairs of marching legs.

All in all i have found the walking cycles a lot of fun. This was a surprise as i thought i would have a lot of trouble with this. To remedy the problem i have been having with volume i have been keeping the first frame out so i can lay it across other frames and keep the continuity going.

Life drawing

As usual i have found the life drawing classes very useful. I find Cathy's method of teaching very helpful and she is always being positive about any improvement in our work. At the same time she will correct any issues we may have with scale, etc. The walks that we have been trying to capture in life drawing have been very useful; the position of the feet especially. Also the relationship between the hips and the shoulders and the way the skin acts on the sides of the model.

Well till next time; some life drawing to follow and some news on our talk about the film Finding Nemo'. Lata.

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