Sunday, 18 October 2009

Thoughts on the structure of sound.

I have read a bit about how people have bridged the gap between ssound and pictures in the past and have decided to break down the experimental peice of music into its smallest repetative part and express that as a visual; using pitch and lenght of note to get a shape which can then be repeated to form a pattern. A medium and colour palette can then be applied to suit the mood of the music. This should result in some visuals which should be in time with the music and convey the same feeling as the piece.
An experimental piece is to follow.

Walk Cycle

As i have not got Maya at home at present i thought i would do the walk cycle in flash; with all the constituent parts of the body in different colours so you can see what is going on.

This cycle is over 12 frames, which i feel is about the minimum you need to get a walk across. Also i feel the stride on the black leg is a bit too long; giving the appearence of a limp; but overall i think it is not too un-natural. I know that this walk cycle is going to get torn to pieces; and yes it is one of the disiplines that i have been neglecting; this exercise high-lighted that, and the need for at least one walk cycle to be done every week. Promise.

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