Saturday, 23 October 2010

Update on the pitch...

As i have not had access to the projector i am wanting to use i have put a back-up plan into action. This will take the form of an installation rather than a  performance; and will be on the side of the building. It will be based on a year in the life of the house. It will make use of the plants already growing on the building; simulating the plants growing and flowering with 'brass' flowers. This will be set to music derived from Cornish Brass Bands; so it looks like the brass flowers are playing the music.
I warmly welcome Oddne onto my team; and as i have worked with him before i know  this is a very positive thing. The next thing i am working at is the 'WOW' shot; hopefully this will spur interest from anyone else who wants to come on the team; and get the project the go ahead.

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