Tuesday 28 October 2008

What we done in the 2d animation class today really opened my eyes. The translation of body language through animated figures is quite a potent tool! There are several things i have to address when i have another crack at the exercise. For a start i forgot one of the most basic rules of animation and made my figures volume change. I think this is because i was motoring along at hell of a pace to try and keep the movement and idea fresh in my mind; and that basic principle was lost. Also there is not enough anticipation and the gestures are not bold enough. Then there is the area of the screen that the animation is taking place. Its at the bottom. And that's it. so i have several things i have to address; and hopefully next time i can put them right.

1 comment:

sb23 said...

sorry the vid isn't working at the mo. i will try and remedy it asap.

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