Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Using Poetry for script. The Hare

Here is a draught of the poetry i am going to form my 'negotiated brief ' animation around.

Say Jack; have you seen her?
Is she in the meadow plain?
Racing hedgerow in view again;
Have you seen her?

Has she been with the night;
Struck gazy by bright moonlight;
Have you seen her?

Morning comes later on;
And she comes singing a silent song;
For she is always there;
Have you seen her?

May make some alterations to it later; but i am happy with the pace and the suggestion of visuals. The animation is going to be really out of my comfort area; with hand drawn/cutout backgrounds mixed with a live action sky and cut out characters. There is  a twist in the story when at the end it is revieled that the poem has been about Eastre; a Pagan goodess of spring strongly associated with the hare.

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